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An indicator of whether a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) has been claimed for a person, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Yes/no code N ".
Data Type Boolean
Format N
Maximum character length 1
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Yes
2 No


Guide for use:

CODE 1 Yes

A Team Care Arrangement has been claimed for a person.


A Team Care Arrangement has not been claimed for a person.


DoH (Australian Government Department of Health) 2014a. Chronic Disease Management (formerly Enhanced Primary Care or EPC) — GP services. Canberra: DoH. Viewed 4 November 2014,


DoH 2014b. Questions and Answers on the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) items. Canberra: DoH. Viewed 4 November 2014,


DoH 2011. Medicare Benefits Schedule – Item 723. Canberra: DoH. Viewed 27 May 2011,



The Chronic Disease Management Medicare items on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) enable GPs to plan and coordinate the health care of patients with chronic or terminal medical conditions, including patients with these conditions who require multidisciplinary, team-based care from a GP and at least two other health or care providers. The items are designed for patients who require a structured approach to their care. A ‘chronic medical condition’ is one that has been or is likely to be present for at least six months, including but not limited to asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and musculoskeletal conditions (DoH 2014a).

Team Care Arrangements (TCAs) are required by legislation to include a document that describes:

  • treatment and service goals for the patient
  • treatment and services that collaborating providers will provide to the patient
  • actions to be taken by the patient
  • a date to review these matters (DoH 2014b).

This chronic disease management service is for a patient who:

(a) has at least one medical condition that:

i. has been (or is likely to be) present for at least six months; or

ii. is terminal; and

(b) requires ongoing care from at least three collaborating health or care providers, each of whom provides a different kind of treatment or service to the patient, and at least one of whom is a medical practitioner (DoH 2011).


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