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One of a number of separate legal entities established by each Australian state/territory government in order to devolve operational management for public hospitals, and accountability for local service delivery, to the local level.

Local Hospital Networks (LHNs) directly manage single or small groups of public hospital services and their budgets, and are directly responsible for hospital performance under the Performance and Accountability Framework outlined in Schedule D of the National Health Reform Agreement 2012.

Most LHNs are responsible for the provision of public hospital services in a defined geographical area, but in some jurisdictions a small number of LHNs provide services across a number of areas.

Some jurisdictions have their own local names for the areas and administrative units known nationally as Local Hospital Networks. For example, in New South Wales they are known as 'Local Health Districts', in Queensland they are known as 'Hospital and Health Services', in South Australia they are known as 'Local Health Networks', and in Tasmania they are known as 'Tasmanian Health Organisations'.


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