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A code set representing the Activities and Participation component of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF 2001).


Data Type Number
Format N[NNN]
Maximum character length 4


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Learning and applying knowledge
2 General tasks and demands
3 Communication
4 Mobility
5 Self-care
6 Domestic life
7 Interpersonal interactions and relationships
8 Major life areas
9 Community, social and civic life
Supplementary Values The above are ICF chapter headings. For the 3 and 4-digit codes under these chapter headings, please refer to the Activities and Participation component of the ICF.


Guide for use:

Activities and participation domains are life areas in which individuals may participate or undertake activities.

The domains of activity and participation are a neutral list of tasks, actions and life situations that can be used to record positive or neutral performance as well as activity limitations and participation restrictions.

This metadata item is one of a number of metadata items that provide information about activity limitation and participation restriction experienced by an individual in one or more of these domains.

'Activities and participation' represent one of three components that define the concept 'Disability'. 'Body functions and structures' and 'Environmental factors' are the other two components.

This metadata item consists of a single, neutral list of activity and participation domains that are grouped together. The list may be used to differentiate some domains as activities and other domains as participation or the user may treat each domain as both activity and participation.

The World Health Organization suggests the list be used in one of four operational ways.

a) To designate some domains as activities and others as participation, not allowing any overlap.

b) Same as (a) above, but allowing partial overlap.

c) To designate all detailed domains as activities and the broad category headings as participation.

d) To use all domains as both activities and participation.

The ICF Australian User Guide proposes the use of either option (b) or (d) with the use of additional qualifiers to delineate between activity and participation. The qualifiers in this context correspond to the participation qualifiers Participation extent code X and Participation satisfaction level code X and the activity qualifier Activity difficulty level code X.

Examples of the types of permissible values listed in the Activities and Participation domain of the ICF:

CODE 1     Learning and applying knowledge

Examples include: purpose sensory experiences, basic learning, applying knowlegde.

CODE 2     General tasks and demands

Examples include: undertaking a single task, undertaking multiple tasks, carrying out daily routine, handling stress and other psychological demands.

CODE 3     Communication

Examples include: communication-receiving, communication-producing, conversation and use of communication devices, and techniques.

CODE 4     Mobility

Examples include: changing and maintaining body position, carrying, moving and handling objects, walking and moving, moving around using transportation.

CODE 5     Self-care

Examples include: washing oneself, caring for body parts, toileting, dressing, eating and drinking, looking after one's health.

CODE 6     Domestic life

Examples include: acquisition of necessities, household tasks, caring for household objects and assisting others.

CODE 7     Interpersonal interactions and relationships

Examples include: general interpersonal interactions, particular interpersonal interactions.

CODE 8     Major life areas

Examples include: education, work and employment, economic life.

CODE 9     Community, social and civic life

Examples include: community life, recreational and leisure, religion and spirituality, human rights, political life and citizenship.

Human functioning and disability.


WHO 2001. ICF: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Geneva: WHO

AIHW 2003. ICF Australian User Guide Version 1.0. Canberra: AIHW




Further information on the ICF, including more detailed codes, can be found in the ICF itself and the ICF Australian User Guide (AIHW 2003), at the following websites:

This content Based on Australian Institute of Health and Welfare material. Attribution provided as required under the AIHW CC-BY licence.

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