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Person identifier, allocated by the Health Insurance Commission to eligible persons under the Medicare scheme, that appears on a Medicare card.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Medicare card number identifier N(11) ".
Data Type Number
Format N(11)
Maximum character length 11


Guide for use:
The Medicare card number should only be collected from persons eligible to receive health services that are to be funded by the Commonwealth government. The number should be reported to the appropriate government agency to reconcile payment for the service provided. The data should not be used by private sector organisations for any other purpose unless specifically authorised by law. For example, data linkage should not be carried out unless specifically authorised by law.


Medicare utilisation statistics.

Persons eligible for Medicare services.

AS5017 Health care client identification

Note: Veterans may have a Medicare card number and a Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) number or only a DVA number.


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